Aug 28 2018

The Truth About Aging

All my life I was taught that that a birthday was a sign that one was “getting older.”  Getting older eventually meant more aches and pains.  Getting older meant hip and knee replacements.  Getting older meant retirement.  Getting older meant “falling apart” and eventually death.  This type of thinking has been drilled into the human race with one purpose:  To convince you it’s too late and get you to miss out on your finest hour. Why is it that when wine gets older, it’s considered better and as a result is more expensive?  The same is true with cheese, steak, beer, and cigars.  Why is it that coins, certain cars, and furniture become more valuable with age?  Yet, we humans ...

Aug 19 2018

On Earth as in Heaven

Today, most Christians are in the dark.  They have no idea what they are here for or what God has on His mind.  They live their own lives with the hopes of going to heaven after death.  Salvation is not much more than an insurance policy to escape the pits of hell.  How sad! The heart of God is revealed in the very first verse of the Bible.  It says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”  The operative word in this verse is AND.  This verse indicates the ordained and inseparable union of heaven and earth. It indicates that God NEVER intended for heaven and earth to be separated!  Most believe that heaven is a fire ...

Aug 12 2018

The Fight for Freedom

Freedom, A God-given right. We were born to be free.  Freedom is a God-given, not a government-given right, and is sacred in the eyes of God.  Freedom is expressed in our ability to choose.  However, in the Garden of Eden the serpent (Satan in disguise) came along to deceive Eve to use her freedom of choice to put all mankind under the bondage of sin.  After that fateful decision, all mankind lost a great portion of their freedom and became slaves of sin. However, nearly 4,000 years later a Deliverer came.  His name is Jesus.  He came to lift the curse of bondage by making a choice to sacrifice Himself to restore freedom for all mankind.  A freedom that restores ...

Aug 5 2018

When Pressure Comes

When pressure comes Life is a beautiful thing.  God made us to enjoy all that He promised us in His Word.  Heaven and earth are at our disposal to satisfy our needs, wants, and desires.  God provided all things for us to enjoy simply because He is good and takes delight and seeing His children enjoy His abundant provision. However, pressures often come to take away our joy and persuade us to not trust in what God has promised us in His Word.  Let’s face it, we have an enemy.  His name is Satan and he is a liar!  His unique goal and only power is that of deceptive persuasion.  He wants to get us to distrust what God has ...

Jul 22 2018

Show Me Your Glory

Glory & Goodness of God How many Christian have asked, even begged God to show them His glory and nothing apparently happened?  I am one of them…so I thought. My definition of the glory of God is God expressed.  I always thought when God’s glory showed up it was accompanied by something miraculous like power, light, smoke and fire.  I thought that people could not even stand when God’s glory appeared, and sometimes this is true.  But what I have come to know if something very different. One day the Spirit reminded me of Moses asking God to see His glory.  In Exodus 33:18 Moses asked God, “Please, let me see your glory.”  Wait a minute!  Didn’t Moses already see ...
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