May 11 2017

Faith is Like Rotisserie Chicken

"Faith is like rotisserie chicken" Faith is one of my favorite subjects.  I have spent a lot of time studying and considering the subject and am getting more and more clear about how faith operates. Every human being has faith.  Every time you sit in a chair you have faith that it will hold you up.  Every time you get in your car, you have faith that you will reach your destination.  You have faith that you will receive a paycheck or direct deposit on payday.  You exercise faith when you get into an airplane and expect it to take off and land safely.  This kind of faith is based on trust.  That’s why you don’t worry about whether any ...

May 8 2017

A Life-Changing Encounter

DeadBeat Bob I recently ran into a gentleman named Bob.  He is an interesting character.  Bob refers to himself as a recovering deadbeat Christian.  He explained to me that a deadbeat is anyone who shirks from their responsibility.  Bob defines a deadbeat Christian as one who claims to be a Christian, but does not live up to that name.  Bob says that most Christians do not know that they are a deadbeat.  Bob is on a mission to change that.  Good luck Bob! Bob said that religion is the vehicle that produces deadbeats.  Religion gives people an acceptable appearance, but robs the believer of the power of God.  Ole DeadBeat Bob hates religion and what it had done to him ...

May 4 2017

Living from the Inside Out

Our true beauty comes from what is within us. For most of my Christian life I had it all wrong.  I lived as though God was “up there” somewhere and that He and I were separated by an invisible gulf and I had to work hard to reach Him.  Though I knew in my mind that God was in me, there was conflict between my mind and heart with that reality.  Most Christians live in this conflict. We were trained all our lives to live in our flesh.  What is the flesh?  Many think it’s something evil like fornication, adultery, idolatry, etc.…  These are some of the works of the flesh, but they are not the flesh itself (Galatians 5:19-21).  ...

May 1 2017

The Blessing, Curses, and the Power to Choose

Blessings in Abundance What does it mean – to be blessed?  Christians use the word blessed or blessing all the time, but have you ever thought about its significance? To understand the blessing, we must look at the genesis of the word “blessed” as recorded in the Bible.  God first used the word in Genesis 1:28: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.  Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that crawls on the earth.’”   I have emphasized some words in this verse that are very important. Blessing has to do with words.  God blessed…and said!  What God SAID became the blessing.  This one ...

Apr 27 2017

Taking What’s Mine is God’s Desire

It's Yours to Possess God promised Abraham land.  This land was vast and rich in resources.  God promised Abraham all the land he could see and set foot on.  This land would provide for Abraham and his children for all generations to come.  Abraham believed God and walked the land and claimed all God promised to him. God has not changed His promise.  As believers, we are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to promise.  We too have a portion in the “Good Land” to possess.  Our Good Land is not in the Middle East.  Our Good Land is a special portion that God has allotted to each of His people.  This Land may not be known to you yet, but ...

Apr 24 2017

Revelation or Repackaged Knowledge

Revelation Beyond the Veil Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17 the we would receive a spirit of revelation and revelation in the full-knowledge of Christ.  Paul even stated in Galatians that he lived according to revelation from Jesus Christ, not the teaching of others (Ref. Galatians 1:11-12).   I think is important to learn from others for it shortens our learning curve.  However, NOTHING can compare to fresh revelation.  Revelation comes from a direct encounter with the Holy Spirit.  It’s something God shows YOU; something that you see for yourself…first-hand.   When revelation comes, ALL doubt flees. Revelation is an unveiling of something that was previously hidden.  When revealed, it comes as a flash of light.  Not a natural light, but a light ...

Apr 20 2017

Making a Difference by Living the Bible

Live in Union with God's Word The book of Psalms starts with “How happy (blessed) is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path of sinners or join a group of mockers!” I find it interesting that a major book in the Bible would start out in such a way.  Right off, Psalms starts out with a warning not to be common and live like sinners or the unbelievers.  However, as I scan the Christian community, I find that this advice has not been taken by most so-called believers. Christians are supposed to be believers, and as believers we distinguish ourselves from unbelievers by living in the reality of the truth of God’s ...

Apr 17 2017

Christian Wealth – How Much Money is Enough?

I talk a lot about wealth creation and my desire to be rich.  Religious people are bothered by the way I talk.  Deep down religion has portrayed money as something dirty and evil and should not be desired (Yet they beg for it regularly).  I have even heard Christian workers state that they have taken a vow of poverty.  That is hog-wash and disgusting!  What value is there is being broke or just having enough for YOU to get by.  That kind of thinking stinks to high heaven of selfishness and pride! Why do I want to be rich and have MORE than enough?  It’s because I understand how the Lord operates and how it’s a blessing to be rich.  ...

Apr 13 2017

The Power to Create Wealth – God Wants to Make Your Wealthy

There was a time in my life when I labored and toiled just to get by, but never had more than enough.  I worked, got into debt, and worked harder and longer to manage that debt so I could live the “American dream.”  Well, the so-called American dream is, in reality, a nightmare!  Trying to catch up and keep up was painful at best. Many marriages suffer and are destroyed because of the lack of money.  Lack of wealth puts strain and stress on all areas of life, including one’s health.  Why?  Because money IS important. Money is how we obtain things.  We exchange our time for money and use money as a barter tool to obtain things that need, ...
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